Storymap One


Starting point: Derby Ram statue, junction of East Street and Albion/Exchange Street

Stand facing the ram, your toes pointing toward the granite heft of it. Press play.

It’s older than regiments, than teams. It began before things were widely written, back when tales were passed down from person to person, each one embellishing the original idea to make it their own, make it relevant to the lives of those around them. A ram, bigger than mountains, a ram of supernatural power, songs sung and stories told about its blood filling hollows in the earth to become rivers and lakes; its bones forming the landscape as we know it. The Derby Ram, it’s here in statue form, story made solid, and so it’s here we begin…

2 thoughts on “Storymap One

    1. Hi Jon, the full text isn’t available online yet, but it will be soon. In the meantime, I can email you the text – I’m away ’til Monday so will send it once I’m back at my desk. Thank you for your interest!

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